Saturday, November 23, 2013

People say I change their lives, but I believe they change mine.

Today I found a man Near his DEATH.

The below photo is of my 8 year old daughter holding a hand made card from her, to him (Tom). It was her idea, not mine. She is very thoughtful of others. 



I went to Star bucks on my way to Hunt co to visit my earth mom. I had 2 packs of water bottles in the back of my truck. I was in the drive through and decided to take them out of the back and into the front seat. Just in case I run into someone. I thought it was doubtful because I was heading East. I was wrong.

Very glad that I moved the bottled waters. Before I even got on the HWY, I saw a man with all of his belongings on the side of the road. I stopped and gave him a few bottled waters. We introduced ourselves. He explained to me that he is a diabetic and left his medicine in a truck near 66. He said he's looking for a ride.

My gut did not tell me he's dangerous, but I follow my safety guidelines. That is, not to give rides unless if a man is with me. I was the only adult and had my 3 month old with me. I told him I'm very sorry, but I could not give him a ride. Cars were honking at me. He then said "This water is really going to help me, I feel dehydrated and really needed this, thank you" 

We said our goodbyes and I drove off. He seemed on the outside to me, just perfectly fine. I thought surely he'll get a ride where he needs to go. I went on to Hunt co and visited for hours. I headed home on 30 west. On the East side of HWY, I see a man curled up in a ball way up on a high hill, and under the bridge. On the other side of the HWY! So, I took the next exit, turned around and drove to where he was. I rolled my window down and kept calling for him. No response. I then pulled my truck around and on the side, I turned my hazards on and ran up this long, slippery from the mud hill. I almost fell. If I had fallen, it was nothing but a long ways of concrete. Use your imagination. 

I came up to him slowly and tried to call for him. No response. I got closer. Still no response. I then, came up right to him and shook him. No response. I thought he must be dead. While my heart was pounding and body shaking, I went down the hill back to my truck and called the cops. I couldn't stay for them to be there because I only had 15 minutes to get to my 2nd grader's school for release. I felt empty during this time. As I was driving I was crying nonstop talking to the lady on the phone. She sent help immediately! 

I picked up my daughter from school after drying my tears. She gets in the car and asked me what's wrong. My excuse- allergies. It was an abnormal quiet ride home. My mind was occupied with Tom. As soon as I got home, I searched the web for the non emergency police number. I called it and asked for information. He was alive, but very sick. He was almost dead. Non responsive. 

I find out what hospital he's at. I call and try to get more information. They aren't able to identify him. After calling SEVERAL different places and talking to MANY people, I found one lady who actually helped me! She didn't want to give information until I told her that I'm trying to give him something nice. To show him someone cares. This lady broke the rules for me, told me I'm not allowed to use her name so I won't. She got my phone number and made some phone calls. After waiting for about 25 minutes and making more of my own calls, she finally called me back. She told me "I'm breaking so many rules by telling you this, but your act of kindness is rare and this man could use a caring person to visit." 

My daughter, over hearing the story over and over, she made him a card out of her own free will. With all of the information that was given to be able to visit, we stopped at the store and bought him some warm gloves and a little bag. We went to the hospital and got our passes. We went to his room and he was out and asleep. Instead of disturbing him we gave the gift to his nurse and told him the story to make sure he gets it and knows that the girl with the water bottles does care and so does her daughter! 

They told him that he is going to be okay now and will get help from here. His family is nowhere to be contacted. They thought we were family. When they found out we were strangers they were even more willing to give the gift and talk to him. He is currently in the hospital hooked up to IVs and sleeping from medicine. He will be okay now. 

This is so serious. If you pass someone or see someone curled up in the fetal position, please stop. You could save a life! Obviously, Tom is more important than he thinks he is because he is alive for a reason.

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