Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let the raffling begin!

What if I told you that you could help the homeless and have a chance to win many prizes?! We're selling $1.00 raffle tickets and all the money goes to help feeding and clothing the homeless, like this man below named Jimmy. Plus the many others with unfortuante life changing events that have caused them to become homeless.

So, the answer to the question you are all asking yourselves, what are the prizes?
Below are some artistic ornaments for Christmas that Marcia with Tejano Traditions makes! She can personalize what ever it is that you win! 

You could personalize an ornatment for your child's teacher! 

Or personalize to hang on your Christmas Tree at home, with a touch of love for your children!

Or you could win a set of personalized ornaments! 

We're also drawing for a professional photo session, gift cards, and many more prizes. 

To purchase raffle tickets, we ask that you purchase as a "gift" through paypal at

Sunday, October 27, 2013

October's Official Miles of Smiles Day

Today we prepared to make many "Miles of Smiles" by shopping at the Dollar Tree for necessities. We had a blast together and were very excited for the day to begin.

Look at all of the things we were able to gather to pass out! And we only spent $14! We picked up two 6 packs of bottled water for $1 a pack. A 4 pack of applesauce for $1, 3 pairs of sunglasses for $1 each, 4 packs of chicken salad and crackers for $1 each, two 5 packs of hand sanitizing wipes for $1 a pack, a 6 pack of combs for $1, a 6 pack of individual packets of peanuts for $1 and gathered unworn socks and gently used clothing. And WALAH! Our day has begun. 

We wanted to tell you guys what we spent so you can see that a little bit of money can go a LONG way for the less fortunate.

First, we started in Dallas off of 635. We met this kind couple holding up signs for help. As we stopped with our hazards on, we handed them some goodies and noticed that another car felt inspired and was handing some dollar bills to them. We pulled off to the side and they were nice enough to let us take their picture. They graciously thanked us, and as we drove away we witnessed them eating the snacks we provided. 

We continued to drive around this area, and we didn't see many other people to give to. So, we stopped and enjoyed a Mexican lunch together and while we were eating we came up with a plan.... 

By searching the internet, we found that Main Street Garden Park in downtown Dallas is a popular place for homeless people to hang out during the day.

We found our parking spot and decided to search the park for people who could use our help. It seemed pretty empty, but we spoke with a man who works for the park who told us that the park was closed for an event and security had to shoo off the homeless people. He informed us that if we walked around, they would still be hanging out around the outside of the park.

This is Angie pictured below. She's only been homeless a couple of weeks. She was open and eager to tell us her story. Angie was evicted from her apartment due to being a victim of domestic violence. Angie has ambitions to go back to school and is working on getting her financial aid in order. We wish her the best of luck!

Below from left to right, we have Jason, Tracey, Helen and two people that wished their names remain anonymous. All were full of good spirit and eager to have an ear to listen.

There were so many other people we were able to chat with, but they wished to remain anonymous which we respect. One man we spoke with told us that he was a victim of a robbery in which they stole his social security card, his ID, and any other belongings that he had. He was so happy to have somebody to talk to that he shared part of his life story with us.

So many of these people just want someone to talk to, even if just for a few minutes. So, even if you don't have anything to give, a simple smile and "hello" would brighten their day!

As a reminder: Next month we are planning on taking gently used blankets, coats, socks, hats and gloves and personal hygiene products to pass out. If you have any of these items you'd like to donate, please contact us via our Facebook page - Miles of Smiles DFW

Friday, October 18, 2013

October small hand outs.

This is C.J., a homeless man in Garland T.X. I noticed he was walking in the rain, with all of his belongings on him. I was unsure he was homeless, but knew for sure he needed an umbrella. So, with the two $0.99 umbrellas I picked up that day (Oct 14, 2013), I made small talk and handed him one. As I listened to his story I learned that he is infact, homeless. C.J's story- C.J. has severe R.A. in his hands, which makes it very hard for him to work. His hands are deformed. He has also been diagnosed with mental disorders, such as bipolar. In which has caused him to act out at work and jump from job to job in the past. He wants people to know that just because someone is homeless doesn't mean that they are bad or dangerous. -Miles of Smiles. 

This is Kurk. A homeless man in Dallas T.X. I met him on October 16, 2013 just off of 635. It was a cold rainy day and he was holding a card board sign for help for food. I put my hazards on and rolled down my window, waving cars to go around mine. As I handed him a hot coffee and hoody (pre owned) to get warm, a few smokes and a lighter, he was grateful and kept on saying "Thank you and God bless you" Kurk is a nice man who was just wanting a small conversation with someone. -Miles of Smiles